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Awesome, I envy your talent xD
I have one question. 
If I buy this, do I have full access to use this on my game and then publish the game on the store without any license issue?

Thanks! Yes, no problem on using them for your game and publishing it. I'd appreciate it if you added a link to my itch store in the credits, but it's not mandatory. Cheers~


I couldn't resist... Your work is awesome and I really wish I had more time to work on my game. At least when I get the time I iwll plenty of artwork...

Heyy, thanks a lot, I appreciate the support. I hope you get some time to work on your project soon! Good luck.

I didn t see that comming! THAT LOOKS SOOOOOOOOOOOO AMAZING!

Aaa thank you!!! :')



Yeah was waiting for it after the post on X xD ! Thanks !

Woohoo!! :D

Thanks for the support




Whoa what a surprise to see this today. This looks incredible. Instant buy. Keep up the great work. 

Thanks so much, I hope it's useful for you!